Friday, June 21, 2013

Grade 8 dinner celebration

Special thanks to Leslie Cho's mom Kaylee for organizing a memorable end of year dinner.
It was a really fun evening with good food and good company.
The students enjoyed themselves and made some nice memories to take with them.

Class of 2017

Monday, May 27, 2013

New Technology posting

Mary Kim has updated the Technology page with pictures of the completed CO2 cars. Click on the tab to see more...

Monday, May 20, 2013

Students of the Month for April

Congratulations to 2 students who were awarded Student of the Month for April today in assembly.

Grace Bang  
 She is diligent in her studies and has made tremendous progress in her English language use. She volunteers as a language teacher (teaching Japanese) to others in her community. She has reached out to many in  Grade 8, including newcomers, proving herself to be a caring member of the class. Her work shows thoughtful reflection of her learning. 
This year, she has been consistently principled in her studies, balanced in her lifestyle, and caring in her attitudes towards others. Although she is quiet, she is a team player, and works well with others during group projects. She is a critical thinker and an excellent communicator. She always works diligently both inside and outside class, and Grace has demonstrated superb understanding of the elements and the periodic table in science class. Her responses are concise and succinct, reflecting on the in-depth thinking process she went through.

Jason Park
He has consistently shown a high level of work ethic all year, but recently in the Creative movement unit he was such a leader and risk taker in the class. He worked with a wide variety of people during the unit and lead his summative group, encouraging others to express themselves by being a role model. He is respected by his peers because of his work ethic and integrity in the classroom.
He is a communicator. In recent Geometry presentation, he clearly demonstrated his knowledge of rotating a figure and explained this clearly to the whole class.
Jason is incredibly diligent and generous with his knowledge. He is kind and patient with everyone. He is an inquirer and a risk taker.
He considers other perspectives and encourages others to be equally open minded. He is a natural diplomat that contributes to spirit of school community and good citizenship.
In Bible Jason seeks to be knowledgeable by closely following the lesson guides, taking notes and coming to class prepared with all necessary materials. 
Jason is always positive yet calm in Band class. He demonstrates exemplary behaviour at all times, and has shown improvement in his clarinet performance. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

PE page has been updated

Click on the PE tab to see the final summative performances of E block Grade 8.
Find out what these girls and others are doing...

Monday, April 22, 2013

Science and PE pages are updated...

The Science page has been updated with some pictures of the Individual Scientific Inquiry's that were set up on Level 1 outside of the Activity Centre.
Well done Ms Kim for all of your hard work and to the Grade 8 students for fantastic projects!

The PE page has also been updated with pictures from the latest unit of Creative Movement.
Click on the PE tab for more information...

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Student Of The Month for March

Congratulations to Min Jung Koo who is the March Student of the Month:
This is what her teachers wrote about Min Jung.

She has made up her mind to try her best in PE regardless of the task and her experience level. She is not satisfied with mediocrity and has worked really hard to improve her grammar and comprehension in her Health work.
She is knowledgeable and humble, and she helps her classmates quietly.
She is diligent and focused. She shows care for the quality of her work, and she works well with others. 
She is a risk-taker. Her Individual Scientific Inquiry report demonstrated how much she tried to push the envelope and get herself out of her comfort zone. She rose to the challenging task beautifully and made it her own. This was evident in the level of smooth communication in science she was able to show throughout the inquiry-based process and through the report itself. 
She has shown herself to be a Thinker in Bible class as demonstrated by her recent Bible project.  She thoroughly researched her Bible passage and made a thoughtful and relevant application of the verses she studied.
In class she is always ready with her homework completed and her mind engaged.  She takes her studies seriously and is always willing to contribute to class discussions and activities.  She always has a good attitude and tries to encourage others.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Students of the Month for February...

Congratulations to our 2 "students of the month" for February:

Jessica Jin

She is a new English learner and yet despite this she also gives her time to help others who struggle to understand tasks and assignments.
She is principled in her work ethic and in her daily behaviour. She is open-minded in Bible class and sets high goals for herself and for others.
In PE class she is a role model to many others; listening carefully to tactics and instructions and then having the self-discipline and risk-taking attitude to put those things into practice in a game.
In Humanities, She has really impressed with her work ethic and creativity in her assignments. She really goes the extra mile to make sure that everything she does is her best work.
She takes her learning seriously, but she is balanced, knowing the right time for serious work and then a light-hearted moment.
She is well respected by her peers because of her dedication and commitment.
She is a risk-taker and not afraid to push her boundaries beyond her comfort zone. She is known for her dedication and responsibility. In Science, she has demonstrated an excellent understanding and capability to make connections between what she has learned and what is happening in real life. Also her caring heart should not go unnoticed, as she has been witnessed taking care of her classmates' needs inside and outside the classroom.  
Her writing in Mandarin is creative. She shows different ways of thinking in her essay. Also showing some deeper thoughts during class discussion.

Jin Hyuk Jung

Since joining our school this Winter, we have been really impressed with his work ethic and his positive attitude in class.
He comes to class prepared, organized, and willing to learn.
He is a knowledgeable student and his passion for learning is contagious to those he shares class with.
In Humanities, he has done exemplary work. I appreciate his enthusiasm and positive attitude in class. I appreciate his principled behaviour as well.
In Bible he asks clarifying questions and proceeds with thoughtful and detailed responses in both his written work and contributions to class discussions.
In PE he is a positive risk taker. He has been confronted with many new activities since arriving at TCIS, but has taken this all in his stride. He asks questions and does extra “work” to make sure he understands rules, tactics and other team expectations. What is really great is his positive attitude and encouragement of a wide range of students every lesson.
In Science, his depth of comprehension is astonishing and worthy of taking time to appreciate. He not only gets tasks done but ensures he does them well. He is a critical thinker and a truly open-minded learner. But what equally shines is his personality; his positive and warm-hearted spirit that is contagious to his peers is welcomed in the classroom. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Technology and Science Pages updated

The Technology page has been updated by Rakia Segev on the work they are doing in designing and creating C02 Dragsters.
The science page has been updated with some pictures and video of the Water Systems Presentations.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Visiting Author...

Today we were so privileged to have author Nic Bishop visit with us for the day.
Mr Bishop has lived such an interesting life, beginning as a TCK like so many of our students at TCIS, travelling around the world with his parents as they worked in different countries.
During his time in Papua New Guinea as a teen, Mr Bishop develop a love of and skills in photography. His first book was panorama pictures of his photographs taking while trekking and hiking in different parts of the world.
His true passion however lies with photographing and capturing animals. Originally he wanted to be an adult non-fiction author. His first books were aimed at this audience. However he soon found children were far mosre interested in his pictures and adventures and so developed into a children's author.
Mr Bishop has photographed the rarest and most dangerous animals all over the planet. His stories were intriguing, interesting and amusing.
I hope he inspired some writers and photographers today through his adventures.
His next ventures will focus on Big Cats and also Penguins. It will take him about a year to travel and photograph the subjects of his next book.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Volleyball Jamboree at SFS

On Saturday students and teachers were up bright and very early to travel to SFS to play Volleyball and Table Tennis.

Students enjoyed playing different teams for SFS, KIS, YISS in Volleyball. We won some sets and we lost some sets.
Here is a link to some pictures I took with my iPhone while coaching

Monday, February 25, 2013

Science Olympiad

Update from Ms Susan Kim.

"Our trip to and back from GSIS was safe and sound, and the students had fun.
 5 schools, including TCIS, competed in this year's Science Olympics. 
There were 4 different activities.
One activity was called "super paper". The aim was to support textbooks using structures made by 3 A4 papers only.
TCIS came in second place. 
We were able to stack 58 thick science textbooks; we were running the first place until YISS stacked 72 books in the afternoon!
 We also won a medal for the egg-drop device activity, scoring 93 out of 100- highest of all 20 teams. "

Monday, February 18, 2013

Please check The Arts, PE and Science pages for updates...

Miss Loo has updated The Arts page with some pictures relating to the Radio Play students are working on for the Creative Arts Showcase.
Click on The Arts tab for more information.
Mrs Pearse has updated the PE page with the latest from her Health unit. Check out the embedded wall wisher on her page.
Miss Kim has also updated the Science page, so click on the Science tab for some more pictures and information on what they have been doing in class.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Bullying education in Grade 8 Homerooms

Mrs Gunther, our counsellor,  has graciously been working with Grade 8 homerooms on Bullying issues.
Here are some notes I took during the first session.

What is your bullying IQ? 

What do you know about it?
Physical, verbal, humiliation, group, individuals, bystanders, gossip, talking behind back, back stabbing. (student responses) 

Who's responsibility is it to stop it?
You have a personal responsibility to let the person know you didn't like it. You need to speak up for yourself and to take action.

What about when something starts funny and is a joke but then it changes and you don't like it?
It's ok to say stop. You don't have to feel guilty about changing your mind and letting people know they hurt your feelings.

You need to find a way to let people know if they have crossed your line of comfort.

Who's responsibility is it to recognize that the fooling around has crossed the line?
The individual, group? 
Everyone has a responsibility if they recognise the line has been crossed. 

Why do people go along with bullying? 
What happens to the bullying behavior? 

If you don't set your personal limit for how you want people to treat you, it will always be a problem.

Here is the link to the Google slide Powerpoint that Mrs Gunther used and has shared with us.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Student of the Month for December/January

On Monday we honored another outstanding Grade 8 student- Mary Kim for Student of the Month.

She has taken on additional responsibilities by blogging for the Grade 8 blog. Despite being busy, she always has time for others.
In addition to her selfless attitude towards others and asking great questions, she is a warm, friendly person with a ready smile. She's as thoughtful in her relationships as she is in setting personal goals and doing excellent work.
She is incredibly focused and diligent in her work. She takes responsibility for her learning by asking questions in class and participating in classroom discussion. She is a good example to her peers of how to be principled, caring and a risk taker all at the same time.
She is a great example to all of us of how to persevere on challenging tasks with good humor.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Battle of the Books

Here is some information about Battle of the Books from Ms Johnson.

Battle of the Books will be held on Thursday, January 24, from 3:55 to 6 PM.  Please come to Ms. Johnson's classroom (Room 214) for Battle Day!  If you are not in a Battle Group but you want to come watch, you may join us and quietly sit around the room. 

The following students are participating: 
Grade 6:  Libby Chun, Lizzy Lee, Grace Hong, John Kim, Caroline Son, Elin Kang, Kari Kim, Lyndsey Baik, Michelle Yoon, Michael Pleasants, Clifford Howie, David Song, David Kim, Yooseong Jung, Ethan Duffey, Aakriti Yadav, Savannah Alexander. 

Grade 7:  Eunkyo Jo, Mayte van den Broeck, Sally Won, Gabriel Kim, In Wook Hwang, Juan Andrade, Michael Ahn, Yoon Sop Chang, David Witzel, Hoyoon Jeong, Jake Song, Scott Kim, Sejin Kim. 

Grade 8:  Chris Jang, Daniel Kim, Jason Park, Joshua Kim, Elal Segev, Leslie Cho, Rakia Segev, Sophia Kim, Yujin Choi, Andrew Lee, Casper van den Broeck, Chan Hwang, Eugene Hong, Jin Jung, Elizabeth Song, Hyerin Yoo, Irene Ahn, Jamie Kim, Mary Kim.   
The Transportation department has been alerted that there will be Middle School Students on the late bus tomorrow.  

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Science and PE pages have been updated

Click on the Science and PE tabs to see the latest examples of what is happening in these classes.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Packing boxes for the Peace orphanage

During service week, once again we packed boxes for all of the children at Peace orphanage.

Students donated goods to be used in the shoe boxes.
CIC donated larger gift items which were also given to the Peace orphanage children and young adults. The age ranges were from 2 months to 19 years old.
Our students were given a checklist to follow and asked to choose items which would be relevant for the 2 children they chose.
Here is a slide show of pictures of the students packing and decorating the boxes.