Language A

Language A update from Ms Johnson:
Students will be creating their own English A class blogs at .  

Ms. Johnson will be giving them instructions on how to do this.  
Please feel free to visit the blog anytime.  

Only students will be allowed to comment on the blog itself. 

Update from Miss Johnson 9/25/2012
Students are reading stories and poems about the following questions:
1.  Why is it important to think about the future?
2.  What is our responsibility to the future?
3. How do authors make sense of the future?
4. What are the responsibilities and consequences of creation?
5.  Why did God create us with the need/desire to be creative?

Here is a link to Sara Teasdale's poem, "There Will Come Soft Rains"

Update from Mrs Kask 5/6/2012

In English class the students worked in groups to create a 
Choose Your Own Adventure Story
working together to write the beginning, and everyone writing an individual conclusion. The following stories are taken from the beginning of the final project.

Irene, Chris, and Daniel’s story
A long long time ago in the land of Kronotia, there were two religions who fought over each other, Molbasm and the nunkarasm. Molbasm worshiped justice, but Nunkarasm worshiped the devil. Krontia’s King, Andrew was a leader from a Molbasm so the Nunkarasm didn’t want Andrew as a king. They always thought everything was unfair. As time passed the relationship between the two religions got worse. Then on the same day, the son of Molbasm and the Nunkarasm were born. Chris the son of Molbasm’s Count and Daniel the son of Nunkarasm’s Count.
As Chris and Daniel grew up, they were told not to show or tell the others which religions they are part of, unless it’s a person they know very well. Chris and Daniel met together and grew up as good friends without knowing which religions they were.
On Chris and Daniel’s 17th birthday they had entered the palace to take their fathers’ places and become the Count of each religions, they found out they were mortal enemies. From that day on, they swore that they will never meet as friends but enemies, forsaking their friendship for their family.

Harold, Jaehyun, Josh, Mary
…One pleasant day outside the city, in the pastures, a villain never caught or seen, called Julia, but known to do a lot of evil things, stole the Sacred Fluffiest Unicorn. When the people of the city found out about the stolen unicorn, they freaked out. They also found out that the sacred ancient unicorn horn of the very first unicorn was stolen too.The policemen, Forces that Care for the Unicorns, or FCFU teams, and all the forces went as a search party to search for the Fluffy Unicorn and the Ancient Unicorn Horn. The town was in such a chaos that Bob couldn’t help but wonder what was going on. She couldn’t stand the commotion so she went straight to Tom Brousman’s home. When she found out about this catastrophe, she, right then and there, decided that she will look for both of the stolen objects. …


Update from Mrs Kask 10/31/2011
The 7th graders are learning about poetry.
 This is an activity where they created a newscast to demonstrate 
their knowledge of onomatopoeia. 

Poetry Update... By Mrs Radar. 2/24/2011
In English, the students have been exploring the wonderful world of poetry! As part of an ongoing assignment, students are designing their very own poetry portfolio made up of a variety of poems they have written themselves. They have not only written original poems, but they have also designed illustrations to accompany these poems. Here is a sneak peak at some of the work they have completed so far! 


Y1    ENGLISH A  -  MASQUERADE!      By Mrs Hannah Radar
In English Y1, students celebrated the study of short stories by participating in a class masquerade.
Students designed and created masks that, on one side, characterized a main character from one of the five short stories read in class, and on the other side, characterized themselves.

Do you think you can identify your child's mask?

Students looked at 'characterization' and their 'identity' by asking themselves the unit question: What can I learn about myself by studying the lives of others?