
Math Update 11/22/2012

Here is a picture of Mrs.Kim and Mr. Kask's Algebra 1 class annual Potato Olympics 2012.

Students are collecting data from 3 different games to making a stem-and-leaf plot as well as a box-and- whisker plot. They will also compare mean, median, mode and range of data.

Potato Olympics in Math.
Update 10/28 by Mrs Gould.
The first ever Potato Olympics at TCIS for grade 7 Algebra students was held on October 20th.
All the potatoletes had been weighed and measured and were eagerly waiting for the games to begin. 
Each potatolete competed in three events: Spud Put, Spud Roll and the Speed Time Trial. Potatoes were seen rolling across the tennis court, rolling down ramps and been pushed by a hockey sticks! 
It was a tough competition some athletes were lucky to survive the hour! However on the day Josh's potatolete was the overall champion! Lots of fun was had by both trainers and athletes. 
This was the final activity in the unit on statistics. Student are now busy analysing the data, drawing graphs and writing a report. 

Try this website for some revision or to sharpen your thinking skills... 

 Update 2/14/2011 by Mrs Gould.

Last week the Grade 6 Math class began work on a new unit about Measurement. During the first lesson the students were required to design a floor plan for a Bumper Car ride. The students looked at both the area and perimeter of their designs. They discovered that floor plans with the same area didn't necessarily have the same perimeter. 

Update 12/3/2010 by Mrs. Gould
Last Monday (11/29) eight of our 6th grade students participated in the 1st Hong Kong International School (HKIS) Math Invitational. 

The students competed against students from six other schools from other countries including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Shanghai and Japan. 

The competition was held after school via a conference call over Skype. 

The students had to solve many problems individually, in pairs and then as a group of four. 

All of our students did a great job and TCIS finished second in the competition! 

Congratulations to Daniel Moon, Irene Ahn, Elizabeth Song, Sabrina Park, Chris Jang, Jason Park, Nick Choi and Sophia Kim.

Updated News (11/24/2010) from Grade 6 Integrated Math by Mrs Gould
The grade 6 Students have just begun a new unit looking at shapes and designs. 
These photos show the students searching for 22 different polygons. Students investigated the many and varied polygons.
They investigated whether these polygons had reflection and or rotational symmetry. 
In the most recent class the we began talking about angles and how we can estimate the size of an angle. 
The students then had fun hunting for bananas on an interactive website.

Next Monday eight students from Grade 6 will be competing against students from other countries in an online Math Competition.
The competition is being organised by Hong Kong International School. It should be lots of fun!

These are pictures of the "Special Number' posters that each student completed at the end of our unit on Primes, Multiples and Factors
Each student was required to chose a number and then display all the information about their number on a poster. 
Some very colourful posters now decorate the colourful walls in the room 8. 
At the moment we are working on Fractions, Decimals and Percents. It is important that students have a basic understanding of the relationships between and among these concepts and are able to flexibly move between the different representations before doing computations that involve these numbers. 
The test for this unit will be next Monday 15th November.