
Individual Scientific Inquiry...
Here are some great pictures from Mrs Kim of the Individual Scientific Inquiry's that were displayed during Parent Teacher conferences.
They looked absolutely fantastic and I know many parents stopped to look at them and comment on them.
Well done Grade 8...

Working on Atoms, Molecular Structure and the Periodic Table.
Science update from Ms Kim 4/17/2013

 The pictures above, showing red/yellow circles on the desk and the periodic table are students working on the atomic structure and trying to put the right amount of protons, neutrons, and electrons for the assigned atom as a group.

Students are teaching each other about the unique properties of the element they were assigned. So as a class they taught each other about first 20 elements on the periodic table. 

Water Systems Group Presentations:

Here is the link to a video of a demonstration of a water filtration system:

Welcome Miss Kim with your first Science update...

These are some pictures of Grade 8 working on their Water Systems group project, working with their laptops. They have been working on this project as a group to create a presentation on Keynote or Powerpoint about a given water systems topic (marine water, fresh water, water pollution, tides, waves, etc.) for the last 7 blocks or so, while working on their Individual Scientific Inquiry at home. 
So they've been working as a group in class and as an individual outside class for the past month. 
They will start presenting soon with the group project.

Science Update from Mrs Gobius 1/8/2013

How can we make the Red Guy sink?


Science Update 12/14 by Mary Kim
In Science, we've been learning about density and we did an experiment, calculating the density of the different types of liquids. (Corn Syrup, Hand Soap, Mouth Wash, Vegetable Oil, and Ethanol) 
After calculating the density of each liquid, we poured them into a cup in the order according to our calculations (the density) to make a density tower. 

This group's calculations were correct and succeeded in stacking the liquids up to make a successful density tower. 
The correct order was (from most dense to least dense):  1.Corn Syrup 2.Hand Soap 3.Mouth Wash 4.Vegetable Oil 5.Ethanol.
Science Update from Mrs Gobius 10/31/2012
The students used their understanding of The Particle Theory of Matter to explore the characteristics of Dry Ice (Solid CO2)
The students are using fake blood in an activity where they were asked to determine the time of death of the 'victim', by comparing the viscosity of fake blood that is fresh, 2hrs old and 4 hrs old.

They were able to establish that the 'murder' had taken place just over 1 hour earlier.

Video of Blood viscosity task from Marg Gobius on Vimeo.
The grade 8 students are exploring how viscosity can be used in forensic science. 

Science Update from Mrs Gobius 9/27/2012

ESLR Focus for Scientific Inquiry Unit:
That students develop their natural curiosity. 
That they acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning. 
That they actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.
..........because we are created in God’s image, we inquire in His world and seek His wisdom in all processes and activities. 
This is a logical expression of faith.

Science Update 5/9/2012
In the final section of the unit on Thermal Energy the students are exploring the concepts of Radiation, Conduction and Convection.
Here is a video on thermal conduction in different metals:
 This one shows convection currents:

Here are some photo's of our class doing experiments on the conduction of Heat energy.

Science Update from Mrs Gobius 2/26/2012

Separating Mixtures:

Our unit question is: "What can we create by putting things together and taking things apart?"

We spent time looking at different mixtures and solutions and now we are exploring methods of separating mixtures, in order to answer the second part of the question - What can we create by taking mixtures apart?

Separating Mixtures: Centrifuging and Filtration from Marg Gobius on Vimeo.

Separating Mixtures: Chromatography, Evaporation and Sieving from Marg Gobius on Vimeo.

Separating Mixtures - Magnetism; Separating Funnel; Decanting from Marg Gobius on Vimeo.

In the following photos the students are learning about each of these methods:
Chromatography to separate different colors from one color;
Magnetism to separate iron filings from sand;
Using a separating funnel to separate oil and vinegar; 
Centrifuge to separate a cornstarch and water mixture;
Evaporation to separate salt from a salt water solution;
Filtration to separate the clean water from a muddy mixture;
Sieves to separate sand and water.

Science Update on Particle Theory by Mrs Gobius.

As Grade 7 continues to explore mixtures and solutions they spent a lesson learning about the particle theory and how it affects solids, liquids and gases.

The Particle Theory - Solid and Liquid from Marg Gobius on Vimeo.

The Particle Theory - Gases from Marg Gobius on Vimeo.

Science Update 2/5/2012 By Mrs Gobius

In Grade 7 Science the students are exploring the characteristics of 'Mixtures and Solutions'.

They used their observation skills, magnifying glasses and microscopes to describe and discover whether orange juice, soda and milk are heterogeneous or homogeneous mixtures.

Below in the video, Harold explains what he has discovered about orange juice.

Here are the latest pictures showing the finished product in the Biomes unit- the 3D biome.

 Unit Question and Area Of Interaction focus.

 Biomes...  From Mrs Gobius 10/31/2011
The unit we are doing is an ecology unit called "From Individuals to Biomes". 
The students, after learning about the key concepts and vocabulary, have chosen one biome to research. In their research they are asked to find out about how the biome functions in ideal situations and to then choose a human activity that has caused damage with the biome, chosen a specific place and problem as their focus.

They showed their understanding of the climate of their biome by graphing the temperature and average precipitation within a specific area of that biome, and then analyzed the data.
They created a food web from animals and plants that they identified as being found in this area and then continued on to look at how human activity can cause damage to the food web.

They will finish off the assessment task with a presentation of their understanding of what their biome looks like in a pristine condition and then after human activity has taken it's toll.

In this video, Rakia is explaining some of her project on Biomes so far.

Pulleys by Mrs Gobius

The students have been experimenting with pulleys and pulley systems.
They  made a very effective pulley using two brooms with a rope wound around it.

Jason was able to pull the weight of 4 students together, by himself. (Seriously impressive pulley system)
He used less force but had to pull the rope much further away than the students moved together.

The students are now working on making a complex machine that uses 3 simple machines, that will ring a bell.
On Friday they each explained what they were working on,  and how they plan for their machine to work.


"Broom, Broom" by Mrs Gobius

This task was looking at how levers make a difference in our lives - not just in the science room.

The students had to look at different brooms and discuss their function and effectiveness related to how they were made, the material they were made from and the length of the handle and bristles.
As they were experimenting with the brooms I was hoping they would sweep my room, but they were all far to focused on the task to think about anything else.