
Humanities Update from Mrs Rader 9/25/2012

Unit 1: Asia - A Continent of Diversity

How does where you come form shape your identity?
What do people value most?
Why am I ME and not YOU?

Humanities is well under way as students are jumping into the study of the continent of Asia. After studying the countries of Asia and their political and physical features, students are beginning group work on the "Regions of Asia" summative project. They are working in groups to teach a lesson to their classmates about a specific region of Asia. The six regions they will be outlining in their presentations are North,  South, East, Southwest, Central and Southeast Asia. 

Presentations will begin after Chuseok Break.

Mystery Class 4/19/2012
The seventh graders have participating in a “Mystery Class” investigation during Humanities class over the past eleven weeks. Students have been collecting clues and trying to find ten secret “Mystery" classes hiding around the globe. The changing amount of sunlight at each site is the central clue.  It is now time for the students to make a decision.  They will analyze photoperiod data, longitudinal data from the equinox, and four geography clues provided by the mystery sites to select a location.  This “extra” activity has been a challenging and fun way for students to continue to utilize and extend their geography and research skills. The correct answers will be unveiled on May 4th.  Be sure to ask your son or daughter where they think their mystery site is located! Thanks to Journey North, an educational web organization, who created this activity. Check out the pictures below of the students in action, trying to figure out the mystery location. 

Humanities Update - 3/21/2012

Unit focus: Environment – interdependence between human beings and our world.

Unit Question: How does buying ‘stuff’ change the earth?

Have you ever noticed how much stuff we accumulate?  It can add up quickly! During this unit, students learned about how various products are created. Unfortunately, our research showed that this is usually a one-way process. Things are made from the raw materials but most eventually end up in a landfill. Along the way, numerous chemicals pollute the remaining natural resources.

We focused our discussion on learning to make responsible choices with our purchases – to protect not only our environment but also the people who make our products. 

Each day, millions of the plastic bottles made for drinks end up in landfills!!  Even though all plastics can be recycled, less than 20% actually are. How can we make better choices to minimize our impact on the earth’s resources?

Students learned about the brutal, inhumane conditions in factories around the world. Many people slave away in “sweatshops” to make name-brand garments and shoes that sell for hundreds of dollars.

They wrote a letter to a factory owner who was operating a sweatshop, persuading them to treat their employees fairly – with dignity and respect. In their letter, they listed amazing facts that demonstrated their knowledge of this horrible practice and why it needs to end. 

The students also created group skits about our mantra, “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle!” They were incredible and very creative!!! One group chose to make a video to show some practical, yet very simple steps we can take to help our earth!

Finally, we are finishing the unit with a poster presentation about various forms of renewable energy…  Which form is your scholar studying?   


Welcome to the Humanities page... by Mr. Rob Moor and Mr. Andrew Gilbert

Update 3/8/2011
The Ancient Aztecs

In addition to the movie, we wanted to give you the opportunity to have a closer look at the works of our young archaelogists.  
Here are two pictures of their collected works.

Photo 1: A Block
Casper - Aztec Headdress
Chris - Knife
Elizabeth - Aztec Headdress
Haley - Metate (maize roller)
Hana - Metate (maize roller)
Irene - Sculpture
Lisa - Wooden Drum
Nick - Shield
Sabrina - Mask
Sophia - Shield
Susie - Snake sculpture

Photo 2: H Block
Daniel - Aztec pyramid
Elal - Shield and spear
Hyunsol - Aztec jewelry
Jason - Aztec pyramid
Kallee - Plate of Aztec foods
Rakia - Eagle warrior figurine
 Update 1/27/2011 by Mr Gilbert.
In sixth grade humanities class, we have been spending the month of January examining Ancient China.   
One of the assessments included creating a scroll of advice that they would present to Emperor Qin.  The students had to analyze the positive and the negative qualities about his leadership.  
 From this information, they crafted a letter that would highlight the positive aspects of his dynasty, along with some advice to improve his leadership.  
 If you know anything about Emperor Qin, he had a strong personality and a very sharp sword! 
We have included a picture of some of those brave sixth graders found here at TCIS!

Here is an update on the latest in our Humanities classes. 12/3/2010

Vote Like an Egyptian?
While the citizens of ancient Egypt were never given the opportunity to engage in democracy, our sixth grade class more than made up for that this past quarter. We are currently studying ancient Egypt to answer our essential question, “Was ancient Egypt a superpower?”

Each of our students selected a pharaoh to research. Instead of presenting their information in a boring research paper, they held a campaign rally. Each student created a campaign poster that highlighted their pharaoh’s accomplishments. They also gave a short 2 minute speech to encourage their classmates to select their pharaoh as the best.

The A Block will require a series of runoff elections, but King Menses was the clear winner for our H Block. For the best campaign poster, the students selected Nicholas Choi (A Block) and Hyun Sol Kim (H Block).

Casper van den Broeck (A Block) and Kallee Miller (H Block) delivered the best campaign speech.

Our sixth grade scholars are working very hard to finish this semester strong as they design and construct pyramids as part of their final unit assessment. 
We will post that story shortly…
