Sunday, February 17, 2013

Bullying education in Grade 8 Homerooms

Mrs Gunther, our counsellor,  has graciously been working with Grade 8 homerooms on Bullying issues.
Here are some notes I took during the first session.

What is your bullying IQ? 

What do you know about it?
Physical, verbal, humiliation, group, individuals, bystanders, gossip, talking behind back, back stabbing. (student responses) 

Who's responsibility is it to stop it?
You have a personal responsibility to let the person know you didn't like it. You need to speak up for yourself and to take action.

What about when something starts funny and is a joke but then it changes and you don't like it?
It's ok to say stop. You don't have to feel guilty about changing your mind and letting people know they hurt your feelings.

You need to find a way to let people know if they have crossed your line of comfort.

Who's responsibility is it to recognize that the fooling around has crossed the line?
The individual, group? 
Everyone has a responsibility if they recognise the line has been crossed. 

Why do people go along with bullying? 
What happens to the bullying behavior? 

If you don't set your personal limit for how you want people to treat you, it will always be a problem.

Here is the link to the Google slide Powerpoint that Mrs Gunther used and has shared with us.

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