Monday, March 4, 2013

Visiting Author...

Today we were so privileged to have author Nic Bishop visit with us for the day.
Mr Bishop has lived such an interesting life, beginning as a TCK like so many of our students at TCIS, travelling around the world with his parents as they worked in different countries.
During his time in Papua New Guinea as a teen, Mr Bishop develop a love of and skills in photography. His first book was panorama pictures of his photographs taking while trekking and hiking in different parts of the world.
His true passion however lies with photographing and capturing animals. Originally he wanted to be an adult non-fiction author. His first books were aimed at this audience. However he soon found children were far mosre interested in his pictures and adventures and so developed into a children's author.
Mr Bishop has photographed the rarest and most dangerous animals all over the planet. His stories were intriguing, interesting and amusing.
I hope he inspired some writers and photographers today through his adventures.
His next ventures will focus on Big Cats and also Penguins. It will take him about a year to travel and photograph the subjects of his next book.

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