Monday, March 25, 2013

Students of the Month for February...

Congratulations to our 2 "students of the month" for February:

Jessica Jin

She is a new English learner and yet despite this she also gives her time to help others who struggle to understand tasks and assignments.
She is principled in her work ethic and in her daily behaviour. She is open-minded in Bible class and sets high goals for herself and for others.
In PE class she is a role model to many others; listening carefully to tactics and instructions and then having the self-discipline and risk-taking attitude to put those things into practice in a game.
In Humanities, She has really impressed with her work ethic and creativity in her assignments. She really goes the extra mile to make sure that everything she does is her best work.
She takes her learning seriously, but she is balanced, knowing the right time for serious work and then a light-hearted moment.
She is well respected by her peers because of her dedication and commitment.
She is a risk-taker and not afraid to push her boundaries beyond her comfort zone. She is known for her dedication and responsibility. In Science, she has demonstrated an excellent understanding and capability to make connections between what she has learned and what is happening in real life. Also her caring heart should not go unnoticed, as she has been witnessed taking care of her classmates' needs inside and outside the classroom.  
Her writing in Mandarin is creative. She shows different ways of thinking in her essay. Also showing some deeper thoughts during class discussion.

Jin Hyuk Jung

Since joining our school this Winter, we have been really impressed with his work ethic and his positive attitude in class.
He comes to class prepared, organized, and willing to learn.
He is a knowledgeable student and his passion for learning is contagious to those he shares class with.
In Humanities, he has done exemplary work. I appreciate his enthusiasm and positive attitude in class. I appreciate his principled behaviour as well.
In Bible he asks clarifying questions and proceeds with thoughtful and detailed responses in both his written work and contributions to class discussions.
In PE he is a positive risk taker. He has been confronted with many new activities since arriving at TCIS, but has taken this all in his stride. He asks questions and does extra “work” to make sure he understands rules, tactics and other team expectations. What is really great is his positive attitude and encouragement of a wide range of students every lesson.
In Science, his depth of comprehension is astonishing and worthy of taking time to appreciate. He not only gets tasks done but ensures he does them well. He is a critical thinker and a truly open-minded learner. But what equally shines is his personality; his positive and warm-hearted spirit that is contagious to his peers is welcomed in the classroom. 

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