Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Student Of The Month for March

Congratulations to Min Jung Koo who is the March Student of the Month:
This is what her teachers wrote about Min Jung.

She has made up her mind to try her best in PE regardless of the task and her experience level. She is not satisfied with mediocrity and has worked really hard to improve her grammar and comprehension in her Health work.
She is knowledgeable and humble, and she helps her classmates quietly.
She is diligent and focused. She shows care for the quality of her work, and she works well with others. 
She is a risk-taker. Her Individual Scientific Inquiry report demonstrated how much she tried to push the envelope and get herself out of her comfort zone. She rose to the challenging task beautifully and made it her own. This was evident in the level of smooth communication in science she was able to show throughout the inquiry-based process and through the report itself. 
She has shown herself to be a Thinker in Bible class as demonstrated by her recent Bible project.  She thoroughly researched her Bible passage and made a thoughtful and relevant application of the verses she studied.
In class she is always ready with her homework completed and her mind engaged.  She takes her studies seriously and is always willing to contribute to class discussions and activities.  She always has a good attitude and tries to encourage others.

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