Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fun times in Chapel

Here are some pictures of some fun we had in Chapel last day 3.
These pictures represent the human pyramids which we built- some more successfully than others.

What is the key to a good pyramid?

A wide, strong and stable base.

So how does this have a link to our lives as Christians?

Mr Craig spoke to us about the parables that Jesus often used to teach people about truths. Mr Craig told us about the man who built his house on rock- it was a solid house, able to withstand storms and bad weather. Then he told us about the man who built his house on sand. It was a good house and well built but when the bad weather came, the house crumbled.

So what can we take from this well known parable for our lives today?
What sort of foundation is your life built on?
Is it like the man with the house on the rock, built around Biblical values and serving others and our Lord. Or is it built like the house on sand which all looks good until 'bad weather' hits and then our lives crumble.
Lives built only on possessions, money, grades and other earthly things can crumble and leave us asking why.
Our God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and forever loves us, no matter what our Earthly lives bring or don't bring us. God will not leave us, his love will not crumble and it is only on him we can rely.

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