Friday, February 10, 2012

Congratulations to our Students of the Month for January

That's right, STUDENTS of the Month.
This month we had several students nominated and had 2 winners for Student of the Month.
Here is what teachers wrote about them...

Jason Park
He is a caring and helpful learner, who shows he cares deeply about his own learning. He also cares and supports his friends and class mates in their learning too by explaining tasks or concepts to others. He is able to remain focussed on activities regardless of how difficult they are, displaying principled behavior. When he is given feedback on his work, he listens and tries to act on this to improve himself. This was evident in music classes recently. The self-discipline and diligence with which he approaches his work is to be commended and should be celbrated! 
As new students have joined us this Semester, he has been extremely kind to them and has ensured they know what to do and where to be on many occasions. This sevant attitude towards other students is a great model to his peers.
Grace Bang
She is always principled in her interactions with others and the way she goes about her work. She is showing more leadership and efforts in being a risk taker in a variety of classes. She demonstrated being Balanced through her participation in the Knitting club, where she showed caring and compassion and a willingness to serve others. Through her quiet determination she has shown tremedous growth and improvement in many aspects of her schooling. Teachers and students admire her respectful attitude towards everyone she works with, regardless of the class or situation. She should be commended for being a communicator in math class through discussiong her problem solving steps and in PE class by creating a teaching video for dance which was clear, concise and easy to understand. She continues to strive to work on all of her areas of schooling by having a clear sense of her strengths and weaknesses.

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