Sunday, January 15, 2012

Starting a new Semester...

How was your first week back as a student or as a parent?
Were you tired? Excited to be back? Overwhelmed by expectations?

What are the expectations on you for the next few weeks? Were you happy with your end of Semester 1 report card? Did it reflect the effort you made during the Semester?

As we start a new Semester it would be crazy to start without some goals to head towards.

Students have been and will be working on their goals again in homeroom time. After reading many reflections from students on their first Semester reports,  an overall theme was that they were a bit haphazard at times in trying to reach their goals, or they weren't really very good goals in the first place.
So students...
What have you done to try to grow and learn from the Semester one goals you set?
What do your Semester 2 goals look like?

Here is an interesting article on a blog to remind all of us about setting goals, habits and commitments...

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