Sunday, January 29, 2012

Being a Welcoming Community...

The start of a new Semester brings us many new opportunities.
As we welcome new students into TCIS and 7th Grade, we are all constantly reminded and challenged to be welcoming to these students and to help focus us all on the spirit of TCIS and who we are as a welcoming Middle School.

What can we all do to be more welcoming to new and old students...
  • We should ALL be a good buddy by showing students where to go around the school (classrooms, spirit store, nurse, counsellors office, MS office, technology office...)
  • Smile randomly at other students (Do people think you are friendly? Why or why not?)
  • Be intentional about saying hello and goodbye to each other.
  • Know everyone's names- new and old students. Make it a point to find out something about other students by talking with them.
  • Sit with someone else at lunch instead of in your same group each day. (You may not mean to exclude others and by intentionally including different people you can stop exclusion)
  • Put others questions and needs in front of our own. You may know how to access your tciscommunity email, Edmodo, Powerschool, etc, but does somebody else? Can you take a few minutes to help somebody else?
  • Are you celebrating our differences, or criticizing and gossiping that some people don't "fit in"? Can you look beneath the appearances, clothing and 'stuff' to get to know others?
  • Can you be a risk taker to help someone else or include someone new to your games or activities? What about a movie together?
  • Remember we honor Christ through our relationships will all people and we show our love for God through these relationships.

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