Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Student of the Semester (Semester 1)

At the end of Semester One and again at the end of Semester Two,  Middle School staff vote on who they think is deserving of an award based on a consistent and excellent academic record and positive service attitude at TCIS.

At the final assembly for 2010 we presented these awards... however our recipient for Grade 6 was absent.
It was my privilege today to present...


Rakia received a lovely certificate which contained the following reasons for her award:

She is always thoroughly and consistently organized for class.
Every task she completes is of the highest quality due to her work ethic and inquiring mind.
She communicates her thoughts in a respectful and reflective way, regardless of the task or who she is working with.
She is a positive contributor to classroom discussions.
She is a good thinker and can transfer her knowledge to other situations.
She has the curiosity and love for learning that will serve her well in life.
Her joyful attitude is contagious and she makes our school brighter by being here.

Congratulations Rakia!

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