Saturday, October 1, 2011

Student of the Month for September...

CONGRATULATIONS to Kallee Miller for being voted as our S.O.M. for September.
(Below are the reasons teachers gave as to why Kallee was deserving of this award...)

She is a conscientious student who strives to do her best. Her written and verbal responses are always reflective, detailed and thorough.
She is well-prepared for classes and shows a willingness to do various things in the classroom that others are reluctant to do.
She asks clarifying questions when not sure how to proceed and is an active participant in class discussions.
She has shown kindness and help to other students, especially those who are new. She constantly checks on the welfare of those around her.
She embodies the characteristics of a Caring and Principled student in every interaction with her peers and teachers.
Congratulations to Kallee who is a most deserving winner of this award! 
Kallee accepting her award from Mrs Loeber.

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