Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Social Networking... lets make it work for us!

I have been doing some research on Social Networking and it's value in education.
Is it worthwhile to use social networks and sites with classes for example?
I have always been a little concerned with the openness of Facebook for class work.
I was lead to look at a networking site called edmodo...an education version of Facebook.
It is a brilliant platform for what is called 'backdoor learning'. Often students who are quieter in the class, will shine in this sort of online atmosphere.
Our children want to connect and share with others, so lets make sure it is in a safe and educative way. With edmodo I can do this. I control the site and what is posted and have ultimate control over it's participants. I can create groups to organize my students and lead them into different areas.
Students started signing up today and tonight and already we have some student driven posts and conversations about health class today and about their Track and Field unit.
I love that students can take the initiative to post and discuss what comes to their minds.
We used edmodo in class today to share and brainstorm what "attitiude" is. While each individual student was questioning whether their individual thoughts were worth positing, collectively as a class they all had something to say and they learned something from each other.
An example of the class brainstorm on "Attitude" today in Health class.
 This is also a great review tool (and they like it because they don't have to make notes about everything because it is right there on the post)

As a teacher I like the control factor of membership and the ability to edit or delete posts. The students like it because it helps them to have a real voice with their peers and in their learning. I'm excited to see where it will take us!

1 comment:

  1. brilliant work, edmodo surely is a powerful tool for health discussion and back channel learning. Keep up the great work
