Monday, October 31, 2011

Updates on the Language A, PE and Science pages

A special thankyou to Mrs Kask and Mrs Gobius for the videos and updates to the Language A and Science pages.
The PE page has also been updated.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Welcome back Mrs Kask...

Last week we said thankyou and farewell to Mrs Williams who has been filling in for Mrs Kask during her parental leave with her new baby, Levi.
We welcome Mrs Kask back to her classes at TCIS and hope to see more of her gorgeous baby around Middle School too!

Please also look for an update on the PE page about our latest health unit and work on relationships.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Listen to our thoughts...

"As Grade seven students, we may be young, but we do think deeply about important issues."

This was a quote from one of my students.
Sometimes our students and children feel like they are not 'heard' in the hustle and bustle of everyday living. This really made me stop and think and as their teacher I want to make sure all students have the opportunity in their own time to be heard, affirmed and recognized for the amazing people they are...

Here is a link to a homework task Grade 7 did for Health class.
( This is a live document, so please 'read only' :)

In Health classes we are looking at their Social Health in terms of their attitude and their relationships.
Please read what they wrote about how God can strengthen their social relationships.
We used a forum called "Meeting Words". In this online notepad style, all students can access the pad to write and also read each others responses. It is a cool way for students to learn from each other and consider different viewpoints. Another way for students to develop a sense of community and empathy.
Take the time to read it and you will feel spiritually lifted up!
I feel blessed to be learning from your children every day

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Grade 7 2011

A couple of whole group pictures from SEW
After prayer time in the new auditorium... Hands all in for a "1,2,3 Dragons" cheer
'Wacky + Tacky' day

Friday, October 7, 2011

Time spent in prayer at the new campus

Here is a video of some time we spent at the new campus as a grade 7 group. We spent time writing blessings and reflecting on God's goodness in our lives.

Day 3 SEW

Today marks the last day of SEW and it was a very special one. We got to travel to the new campus to write blessings onto the walls and floors of the campus. While these areas will be covered with carpets and wood and paint, we know that there will always be a part of our students in the school, urging it to succeed and asking God for his blessings over our school.

Writing blessings in the auditorium

Thank you Everett

Mr Kongolo and Mr Kask in the main atrium
Wrap up to finish SEW

A New Creation

As part of our SEW  theme "A New Creation", students worked in their homeroom groups to creat a commercial for a very strange and weird item.
Their job was to put a new spin on an old product... just like what happens to us when we become a new creation through Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Here is a video with the Grade 7 boys, showing their commercial to all of middle school.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

SEW Day 2

Here are some pictures from praise and worship today- Day 2 of SEW.
As you can see, Grade 7 were wearing blue today for their spirit color.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Spiritual Emphasis Week (SEW) is here.

Day 1:
We had a fabulous day 1.
We spent time with our guest speaker, met some new HS students and played games with them.
Kick start in chapel

egg toss

Water games

3 legged race

Mrs Bang's and Mrs Loeber's group

Grade 7

Talking, listening and chilling!
Wacky, Tacky dress up day for the teachers too!

The wrap at the end of the day was an outdoor praise concert with HS, MS and some ES students.
The TCIS field was rocking for our Lord!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Social Networking... lets make it work for us!

I have been doing some research on Social Networking and it's value in education.
Is it worthwhile to use social networks and sites with classes for example?
I have always been a little concerned with the openness of Facebook for class work.
I was lead to look at a networking site called education version of Facebook.
It is a brilliant platform for what is called 'backdoor learning'. Often students who are quieter in the class, will shine in this sort of online atmosphere.
Our children want to connect and share with others, so lets make sure it is in a safe and educative way. With edmodo I can do this. I control the site and what is posted and have ultimate control over it's participants. I can create groups to organize my students and lead them into different areas.
Students started signing up today and tonight and already we have some student driven posts and conversations about health class today and about their Track and Field unit.
I love that students can take the initiative to post and discuss what comes to their minds.
We used edmodo in class today to share and brainstorm what "attitiude" is. While each individual student was questioning whether their individual thoughts were worth positing, collectively as a class they all had something to say and they learned something from each other.
An example of the class brainstorm on "Attitude" today in Health class.
 This is also a great review tool (and they like it because they don't have to make notes about everything because it is right there on the post)

As a teacher I like the control factor of membership and the ability to edit or delete posts. The students like it because it helps them to have a real voice with their peers and in their learning. I'm excited to see where it will take us!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The secrets of Happy People

Here is a link to an intersting article:

"Happy People

Why are some people always up?  Why are some people always down?  What can I do to be a person that is optimistic, happy, and enjoy life?
These are some of the questions worth exploring.  Becoming successful starts with a good dose of healthy self image and positive attitude (I believe).  Below is an article that I think captures the values and action items that “truly happy people” follow on a daily basis.  Enjoy!"

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Student of the Month for September...

CONGRATULATIONS to Kallee Miller for being voted as our S.O.M. for September.
(Below are the reasons teachers gave as to why Kallee was deserving of this award...)

She is a conscientious student who strives to do her best. Her written and verbal responses are always reflective, detailed and thorough.
She is well-prepared for classes and shows a willingness to do various things in the classroom that others are reluctant to do.
She asks clarifying questions when not sure how to proceed and is an active participant in class discussions.
She has shown kindness and help to other students, especially those who are new. She constantly checks on the welfare of those around her.
She embodies the characteristics of a Caring and Principled student in every interaction with her peers and teachers.
Congratulations to Kallee who is a most deserving winner of this award! 
Kallee accepting her award from Mrs Loeber.