Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Student of the Month award

Today we celebrated our Student of the Month Award.
Teachers vote and nominate students based on the ESLR's of the school.
For the month of September we had many nominations and 2 students were chosen for Grade 8.

Eugene Hong. 
He shows himself to be exceptionally caring and thoughtful towards others by always making sure everyone at his table group has all their materials. 
He shows perseverance with difficult activities. He is responsible for the assigned work and asks questions when he doesn't understand something.
He is patient and understanding when explaining complex ideas or tasks to his peers. He is always willing to help troubleshoot tech problems and encourages others to act responsibly by cleaning up after class. 
He listens to others thoughts and can act on feedback he is given.
He participates in classroom discussions, and his work is thorough and shows depth in his critical thinking skills.
His written work on the Beatles showed he is knowledgeable. He is principled and positive in class.
He applies learned vocabularies in conversation practice and is not afraid of making mistakes in front of peers.

Calvin Hong.
The polite way he addresses both his friends, peers and teachers is impressive.
He is a risk-taker in language class where he steps out of his comfort zone to participate in a mixed class. He has volunteered many times to give answers and share aloud. He is not afraid of making mistakes and recognizes them as an opportunity to learn.
He shows he is caring of others by making it his responsibility to ensure that others are comfortable with any task that we are doing, and he collaborates well with others. 
He shows a principled attitude by not giving other students the answers, but in helping them to understand where they need to look to find the correct answers.
He is willing to make the right choice, rather than just the popular choice and is earning a great deal of respect due to these choices.
He is a diligent student who tries to do his best in all activities. 
He has a positive attitude and is willing to take on a leadership role in group work.

Congratulations to both Calvin and Eugene for making such a positive start to the school year.

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