Saturday, June 2, 2012

Last awards and farewell...

Can you believe another school year is over? I cannot quite believe it either.
The end of the year always brings change and while change is hard it is also necessary for us to grow and learn from.
On Friday we said goodbye to Lisa, Nick and Haley who are all going off to various places in the world. Such is the transient nature of International Schools.
We will miss them but know that God will protect them and continue to have a strong hand in their lives.
Here are some pictures of the last day of the year...

We also had our awards ceremony:
We had Student of the Month presented on Thursday to Irene Ahn.
Here is what teachers wrote about her...

Irene Ahn:
She displayed growth in positive attitude towards her classes and open-mindedness to new experiences.
She is an inquirer continually seeking to create a better product. 
She demonstrates perseverance and a lot more confidence in herself.
She is encouraging with her peers and willing to listen to their ideas and opinions.
She reflects on her learning and the feedback she is given, communicates about it and then sets about improving herself.
She is learning to be more balanced in looking at the learning process, rather than always just the results of the task.
As a homeroom representative this year, Irene showed a growth in leadership and organization.  She showed a generous and thoughtful nature by remembering each of our Homeroom members' birthdays and being sure they were celebrated.  In her goal reflections for each quarter, Irene did a wonderful job responding to the prompts and discerning her areas of strength and areas for growth.
Irene has a great deal of potential and has moved positively forward this year in grade 7. Well done, Irene!

On Friday we had our Student of the Semester presented to Sophia Kim...
This is what teachers wrote about her...
Sophia Kim:
She consistently goes out of her way to help students in all classes, including with substitutes.
She is a consistently diligent worker who never gives up and always tries her best.
She demonstrates a quiet leadership and is a real servant to others. She offers to help with no expectation of reward for doing so.
She is very principled in all her interactions, reminding others to be focused and modelling how to do this.
She is self-motivated and places equal value on all her classes and interactions with others, demonstrating real balance in her life.
She consistently produces work of the highest quality proving that she is a knowledgeable student. What makes her so exceptional is that in addition to her quality academics, her peers respect her for her caring and principled attitude.
She is truly an asset to the 7th grade and her leadership by example does not go unnoticed. 
As I sign off the blog for a couple of months break, I want to thank all of the parents for their support this year. My family and I are heading to America for a month of traveling before heading to Australia to see our families. I am looking forward to the vacation very much.
We will continue to use the blog next year and I will continue to be the Grade team leader for this exceptional group of Grade 8 students for 2012-13.
God Bless your summer!
Stay safe and see you next year at Techno Valley! 
Stay in touch with the building process with the building blog:

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