Sunday, April 1, 2012

Attention all leaders or wannabe leaders...

Here is an excerpt taken from John Spencer's blog about Leadership and the traits associated with being a leader.

"Leaders, however, work in nuance and paradox. They serve humbly but also speak boldly. They understand that change happens relationally through trust. True, a leader will articulate rules, but the goal is to help a child develop a philosophical and ethical understanding behind behaviors.

Leadership is messy. It takes longer. It is often more confusing, more painful and more counterintuitive than management. However, ultimately I want to be a leader rather than a manager."

AuthorityBased upon titleBased upon earned trust
QuestionsQuestions are viewed as a threat to authorityEncourages questions to develop an ethical understanding
The FrameworkProceduralRelational
Rules / BoundariesBased upon conformityBased upon an ethical, philosophical concept
InnovationDiscouraged if it challenges the status quoProvides a vision that inspires others
SubmissionForced: based upon a fear Voluntarily: submitting to another’s strengths to protect one’s weaknesses
The ResultsBehave externally but rebel internally (or when no one is looking)Empathetic, ethical thinkers who want to do what is right

So how does this relate to you?
Do you want to be a leader? Do you consider yourself a leader?
Can you notice any of the above traits in yourself?
Can you work to develop more of these traits to quietly develop your leadership skills?

Taken from:

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