Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Humanities page has been updated 3/21/2012

Mr Moor has updated the Humanities page with information on their latest unit and a video.
Check it out, it's great!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

PE and Health page has been updated

We are studying Health at the moment in PE, I have updated our page with information on our latest unit: Harmful Substances- Tobacco.
Here are 2 examples of an anti-smoking commercials that students viewed and evaluated for their effectiveness in the fight against tobacco usage.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Congratulations to Students of the Month for February

Again this month staff have nominated 2 students for student of the month. In the voting, we were unable to decide who was a more worthy recipient, so we honored 2 fantastic students who are doing their best to make Middle School a better place to be.

Daniel Kim.
He has really stepped up to be a risk taker during the last month. He started participating in the Volleyball Intramurals program, which was completely new to him. He has worked with different people through these expereinces and remained a positve team member. In PE class he has become more confident and was a leader in the group work during the dance unit. He added many ideas to help his peers.
He is showing himself to be a thinker in Technology.  His pattern for the textiles project is visually appealing and it is being assembled with precision and accuracy.
In a variety of classes he is trying to speak up more and is communicating more freely in class work. He is growing in self confidence and is looking to learn at all opportunities. He is respected by his peers and teachers as he is principled with his decisions in class.
Daniel Kim
 Leslie Cho
She has come into the school this semester as a quiet, yet determined student. She completes her work with excellent quality and is a wonderful addition to the classroom leading by example to do the right thing. Being principled is important in Technology where there is a lot going on in the room. 
She has shown initiative in doing some extra work to get caught up after joining Spanish this Semester. Not only is she very knowledgeable and learns vocabulary quickly, but she also works well with the others in the class, is organized, and demonstrates open-mindedness as we study about another culture. 
She sees a problem and solves it as was seen in examples in her Technology and Science classes, as well as showing caring for the other members of the class.
Her work in science is not only carefully completed, but very thorough in covering what we are doing. Not only will she sketch a diagram, but she will carefully and accurately label it as well.
She has also taken on Volleyball in Intramurals, showing she is also a risk taker and willing to try new things and be part of the community. I see her encouragng others and she is well respected by her teachers and peers.
Leslie Cho

Monday, March 12, 2012

Pi Day 2012

March 8 was Pi Day in the Middle school! 
A few students challenged themselves to recall the digits of Pi. 
The grade 7 winner, Rakia Segev recalled a total of 93 digits. 

Jin Ho Yi was the grade 8 winner recalling 424 digits and Tatiana Gobius was the grade 6 winner recalling 43 digits.  Rakia and Jin Ho will now compete in the HS competition next week against high school and elementary school students!

Homerooms then had fun competing to tear out the biggest perfect circle! The only rule was that you could not fold the paper. Middle school students and teachers are very competitive and homerooms were very creative and devised many different ways to get the perfect circle! In grade 7 the prize was awarded to Ms Lee and Mrs Kask’s homeroom. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Technology page is updated 3/8/2012

Please have a look at the technology page as Rakia Segev has written a blog post on her trip to the fabric stores.
Good job Rakia for being a risk taker!

There is also a picture of Jennifer with her completed block piece, showing she is knowledgeable.

If other students would like to write class posts or homeroom posts for the blog they can submit them to Mrs Pearse through email.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Message from Mr Moimoi to ALL of us...

Each week Mr Moimoi writes to all of the MS teachers to remind us and inspire us about our calling to be 'real' Christian educators in the lives of the MS students.
Today I share his words and those of the Bible with you because I think it is relevant for all of us, no matter what age we are.
As teachers, students, parents or community members, we are called to be Christian "educators" as Mr Moimoi reminds us below...

As we continue serving the Lord in the delivery of Christian education, we need to be Biblical inquirers ourselves if we hope the students to become ones themselves. We can do this by:
  • Having consistent individual Bible reading and prayer times with the Lord
  • Meeting in fellowship regularly to hear God's word 
  • Always communing with God to know His will, being thankful, trusting and asking for His strength
  • Putting into practice what He has told us, as obedience leads to a greater knowledge of God

Middle School INQUIRER Biblical Value: Because we are created in God’s image, we inquire in His world and seek His wisdom in all processes and activities. This is a logical expression of faith.

Heb 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

James 1: 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

Volleyball Jamboree at SFS

Over the weekend our Volleyball and Table Tennis teams played a jamboree at SFS.
Many Grade 7 students participated in this Jamboree.
Here are some pictures of the Volleyball.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Parenting Ideas - what is self-esteem, self-esteem children, children and self-esteem

This article is taken by one of my favorite children and parent advocates from Australia.
His blog is linked on the Right side of our page (scroll down)

Click on this link to read the article...
Parenting Ideas - what is self-esteem, self-esteem children, children and self-esteem

Pajama Day in the Middle School

Here is a picture in Chapel of all of the students wearing Pajama's having a great big YAWN!

Thursday, March 1, 2012