Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dr Penland speaks to Middle School in Chapel

Dr Penland joined us in MS Chapel before the Thanksgiving holiday.
Here were some of his key points and challenges to us as we go about our daily lives...

Do you have an attitude of gratitude? 

While our daily circumstances may change, we may experience ups and downs, there are constants in our lives as Christians.
It doesn't matter what is going on around us because God is good and he gives us grace. 
God's love for us has not changed and will not change and we should always be thankful for that. 

Why do we celebrate thanksgiving? 
As Christian people we are called to give thanks for the blessings we have each day. We are called to show gratitude for the many many goo things in our lives. Giving thanks every day in this way helps to build a thankful heart and will help us to see the world in a different way.
What are u thankful for in your life?
Do you have a culture of thankfulness in your family?
Students at TCIS stood up in chapel and gave thanks for friends, family, food, God, freedom, warm clothes and heaters, planes to get us across the world, education, teachers, students and many other things from their hearts and in front of their peers.These students were courageous to do so in front of the whole MS.
What is Dr Penland thankful for today?
The diversity of who we are at TCIS. We have so many different cultures and perspectives at TCIS.  Dr Penland is also extremely humbled and grateful for the answers to prayers for our school.   

What are you thankful for today?

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