Thursday, November 10, 2011

Managing Yourself

Here is an excerpt taken from a blog I like and subscribe to... (see the link on the side of the blog page)

Managing Yourself

Are you in control of your life?  Are you making good decisions?

Here’s something to think about…
7 areas that we must properly manage in our lives to be successful:
  • Our emotions
  • Our time
  • Our priorities
  • Our energy
  • Our thinking
  • Our words
  • Our personal lives
There are plenty of things outside of our control.  That’s where faith in God and His plans for us really kick in.  If we properly manage the things that we do have in our control, chances are that we will make good decisions and reap the benefits of those choices.

I sort of look at things in the following mathematical formula:
Good Management = Good Decisions = Reap Benefits
Poor Management = Poor Decisions = Pay the Consequences

I noticed that blaming others and making excuses are not featured in the "Good Management" area. As adults and students we must make sure that we accept responsibility for what we choose to do. 
We always have choices...
So where are your choices taking you today?

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