Saturday, September 24, 2011

Using Mobile technologies in teaching...

Recently I attended a confrence in Shanghai called Learning 2.011.
The main focus of this conference is to share ideas and collaborate on how to use a range of technology and tools in our teaching.
I met some inspiring people and learned a lot.
Since being back at school after Chusock, I have been using a fantastic app on my iPad in class called Burst Mode. It takes up to 25 frames of pictures per second, meaning I can capture a students moving frame by frame with a set of pictures. This is a very handy tool to analyze movement and to help students to see the strengths and weaknesses in their movements.
Coupled with the program called Comic Life, students will be examining a comic strip of their Triple Jump from this week to look at key factors in the success of jumping well.
Below are a couple of examples of the product students will analyse.(Triple Jump)
This comic strip was made by selecting from the 25 pictures taken of Lisa's Triple Jump using Burst Mode on the iPad.

Students will use their comic strip and a set of criteria to look for important physical traits in their pictures.
A very useful tool for self improvement in track and field.
as they say... a picture tells a thousand words!
Here is the link to the pictures on Picassa:

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