Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 1, 2, 3- check, and now 177 to go!

Students have completed Days 1, 2 and 3 in their 6 day cycle.
They have done so well to work out where to be and what they need for each class.
Many of our Grade 7 students have been really helping our new students a lot.
With about a third of our middle students being new this year, we have needed our "oldies" to take on more of a leadership role. The Grade 7 "oldies" have been a great support so far!

Some questions...
Have you seen your child's schedule?
Do you understand the 6 day rotating schedule?
Have you seen the MS student planner?

Ask your seventh grader these questions and see what answers you get. Also ask them to show you their planner and have a look at the information in the front of it... it is really useful.

Here are some pictures from the first 3 days of school.
With lockers being smaller this year, we need to keep them extra tidy!

Day 1 over- PHEW!
This was a group activity to get everyone to the other side of the gym using less poly spots than people. Students had to communicate and negotiate to work out how to do it. This required a lot of patience!
This group decided to do this task in a more individual way, rather than trying to get all members across the gym at the same time. Perseverance and patience!

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