Friday, February 11, 2011

Student Of the Month for January

Grade 6 Student of the Month for January is...
Casper Van den Broeck
 This was what was written on his certificate (this is what teachers said about him)
He is an independent thinker, who tries creative solutions to problems.
He is an inquirer as he goes beyond what is required to do that  little bit extra and continually wants to know more and more.
He is genuine and caring to his peers.
He is fair and the first to give credit to others when it is due. He is encouraging and earnest in his attempts.
He is a risk taker, as shown in his decision to try a new activity outside of the classroom. Through his perseverance he improved and is now looking forward to continuing his learning in the future.
We all enjoy his humor, enthusiasm and positive attitude in class. 

 Also nominated this month was Sophia Kim.

Congratulations to both Casper and Sophia for making TCIS MS a better place to be.

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