Tuesday, December 18, 2012

2012- Semester 1... almost done

Here is a short video from students to wrap up 2012

It is also and opportunity to say goodbye to David Hong who will be leaving us for a Semester.
We wish him all the best and God's blessings until we see him again!

6-8 Coffee House fun

The students showed a lot of courage to be involved in coffee house where they performed in front of their peers.

Well done STUCO for hosting another fun coffee house talent show!

Service week...

To finish out the calendar year we are celebrating and being involved in Service.

Today one group went caroling at a retirement home...

Another group made soup and Kimbap to take to the hungry people at the train station...

It was absolutely such a blessing to be able to work in the TCIS soft tech room to make this food!
The students did an extraordinary job of cooking, working together and of course cleaning up!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Science update

Have a look at the Science page for the latest update on DENSITY!

Thanks again to Mary Kim for updating our blog.

Grade 8 Student of the Month for November

Today we awarded another Student of the Month for Grade 8, this time for November.

Congratulations to David Hong!

Teachers said...
He is extremely principled as he takes responsibility for the work that he needs to get done. He stays focused on the task at hand and does not get caught up in conversations that are not related to what they are learning. He reflects on his tasks to ensure he covers all aspects of the work. He asks questions and is not happy to rest on his previous knowledge. This has been seen many times in Bible where he has worked to become more knowledgeable regarding the Scripture and the narratives we have studied.
He interacts positively with his peers, shows perseverance on difficult tasks and encourages other students.  He definitely collaborates well with a wide variety of students in a variety of his subjects.
In PE he has shown himself to be a positive risk taker in Gymnastics. He displayed Open-mindedness in Health class by listening to others opinions in class and expressing his own considered thoughts through his writing.
He has shown a steady commitment to excellence.  For example, his thoughtful comments and critically superior written work in English class on his Fanmail project show he is truly a Thinker.  He has shown he is Open-Minded by opening himself up to new experiences, a new culture, and new friendships this semester.  His keen observations, careful communication, and the quiet force of his personality make him an asset to any classroom and any relationship. 
He has shown himself to be a risk taker and leader to lead his section with developing skills, maturity and humbleness in Strings. He is sincere and positive in class and is a good example to others.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

New Technology post

Thank you to Mary Kim, our resident student blogger for updating the Technology page for Grade 8.