Sunday, May 27, 2012

Saying Goodbye

How will you say goodbye this week?

Whether it is farewelling someone who is not coming back or saying goodbye to someone you won't see until next school year, saying goodbye is important.
Mr Craig talked about this in Chapel last week.
Don't put off saying goodbye because it is hard- have lots of goodbye's in this last week of school.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

TCIS hosts the first ever MS Tennis Jamboree...

Last Saturday 19th May, TCIS hosted KIS students at the first ever KAIAC MS Tennis Jamboree.
The students played doubles and our top 4 players also played singles.
Our students did very well and learned a LOT about Tennis through training and then playing.
Thank you to Miss Liebe for co sponsoring this event.

Monday, May 21, 2012

MS Retreat

Here are some photo's taken by Mr Craig Gordon our Spiritual Life Minister from the recent MS retreat.
There are photo's from all grade levels and shows how much fun and how many relationships were formed during this time.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The PE Page has been updated

Have a look at the PE page for updates and pictures from our American Football unit.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The science page has been updated

Click on the science page tab to see students experimenting with Heat Energy.

...and some new video's were added 5/9/2012

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The English page has been updated...

Students have been working together to write a Choose Your Own Adventure Story.
Have a look at the Language A page to see a sneak preview of some work...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Science Olympics

TCIS students competed recently in the Science Olympics at GSIS in Suwon.
Students from Grades 6-8 competed against students from other schools in teams to solve scientific problems.
Mrs Gobius has been working with these students in the lead up to fine tune their skills and work on their problem solving in science.
Our students finished the day with the overall GOLD medal.
Congratulations TCIS Science Olympics students!

Written by Chris Jang...
It was the second time I have been to the Science Olympics. I actually quite enjoyed going to GSIS. During our classes at school, we created a Rube Goldberg machine in preparation for one of the parts of the Science Olympics.
The Olympiad was divided into 4 parts:

  1. Making a catapult.
  2. Reflecting light.
  3. Rube Goldberg Machine.
  4. Creating your won experiment.
I think the main goal of the Olympics was to use your scientific knowledge to reach the goal for each part.
The best part was that our school won first place!

The PE/Health page has been updated

Click on the PE/Health page tab to see the latest form our First Aid Health class.

We have been learning about the principles and skills of First Aid.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Chinese visitors and guests

Today we hosted Chinese students at TCIS.
It was a wonderful opportunity for our Mandarin students to use their language skills with some native Chinese speakers.
Students were buddied up with Mandarin students and participated in classes, music and chapel service.

Here are a few photo's from Chapel today and you can see the Chinese students in their blue and yellow uniforms.
It was a great opportunity for us to share God's love with others.
Our Grade 7 students did a great job of being translators and mentors to these students today.