Friday, May 27, 2011

Technology update from Mrs Thompson 5/27/2011

Please take a look at the Technology page to see what the Grade 6 technology students have been making and donating to a school in Africa.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Spanish language in action

Spanish update from Miss Liebe 5/26/2011
The Spanish students took an oral assessment in which they role-played a situation in a grocery store or clothing store.
One person was the customer and the other was the clerk.

The students did such a great job.
Here is Haley and Lisa.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Grade 6 end of year party

Grade 6 End of Year party.
This will be held on the last day of school from 2-3pm.
The purpose is to say our farewells and to finish up the year celebrating our growth, changes and successes for the year.
Students have been asked today to help bring snacks and drinks for the party.
Students today were given a slip of paper with some instructions as to what they should bring for the snack- some had drinks and others had food snacks.
Students only need to bring enough snacks or drinks for 4 people.
We will provide plates, cups, eating utensils.
The snack and drink items have been linked into our last health unit of Nutrition. Some examples of what they have to bring are "a high protein snack", or a "snack low in salt" or a "drink low in sugar". These are designed to have your child do the thinking and planning and to apply some of the knowledge they learned in health class into a real life situation.
It would be great if you could allow your son or daughter to plan and help you shop for the items they need.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

PE page updated 5/18/2011

Have a look at the newest pictures of Grade 6 playing Cricket today on the PE page.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Hurried Child Syndrome- by Michael Grose

This article is taken from an Australian blog called "Parenting Ideas".
Please visit it for the full article.
It has some interesting things for us to consider.
What do you think about this article? 
Are our children at TCIS too busy? 
Do they have enough time to be children?

"Modern parents are busy parents and so are their kids. High parental involvement is to be applauded but it can leave parents and kids exhausted.

The rise in childhood anxiety as reported by educators and health professionals indicates that the push for early success comes at a cost to children's mental health and well-being.

Most research suggests that parents should take a balanced approach to child-rearing and make sure that kids have sufficient time to be kids.One or two organized after school activities a day maximum and make sure kids have at least 60 minutes of free time each day. And kids need at least one day from after school activities off during the week.

It's easy to forget that unstructured play has huge value in terms of stress relief, learning and stimulating kids' imaginations. Kids don't always have to be engaged in productive activities to learn.

Kids are raised in an increasingly competitive environment, with parents keen to maximize their kids' potential. This "Hurried child' syndrome is a modern phenomenon, but being too busy can be counter-productive on many fronts including impacting on family life, kids' well-being and even at times on their learning."

You can post your opinion or email me at 

Technology update 5/17/2011

Please view the Technology page for an update from Mrs Lee about the "Wood Work" unit.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

PE and The Arts pages updated...5/11/2011

Please visit the Arts page for an update on Lino printing and  the PE page for an update on our new unit of CRICKET.

This is the field with the fielding positions

The ball is a hard leather ball, stitched down the middle, the bat is made of a single piece of willow, and the wicket is 3 pieces of rounded wood secured at either end of the pitch.