Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Students of the Month for February

This month we had 2 students who were nominated for Student of the Month.They had both shown themselves to be worthy winners, so this month we awarded 2 Students of the Month.

Congratulations to ...

Here is what teachers said about Elal and Chris.

Elal Segev:
Her joy of learning and her inquiring mind is fantastic to witness.
She is a risk-taker, who delights in trying something new. Her risk taking attitude is contagious to her peers as well.
She brings a high level of focus to her work. This was seen throughout the design cycle in Technology class.
She is showing a greater depth of thought in her project work and freely contributes to classroom discussions.
She collaborates well with all of her peers and is principled in her interactions with others.

Christopher Jang:
He is deliberate and focused in his classroom work.
He uses all opportunities offered to him to improve his learning.
He is working on his collaboration skills by being more open to working with a greater variety of people.
He shows patience towards others and supports them to also achieve their learning goals.
He is committed to ensuring he does his best work in every task.
He is a steadying influence among his peers through his high work ethic and his sense of perspective.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Humanities Update 3/9/2011

Indiana Jones and the Ancient Aztecs 
By Mr Moor and Mr Gilbert.

This semester our young archaeologists have been busy. They continue to travel the globe to learn more about the ancient civilizations of the world and themselves. 

Our guiding question for this unit is, “What brings ORDER to my own life?

 When they returned from Christmas break, they studied the rulers and systems of Ancient China. They rested over the Lunar Holiday break, but came back refreshed and ready to explore the cultures of Meso-America.

They studied the Olmec and the Mayan civilizations, both of which ended suddenly. Next, they went on to study the Aztecs, a fierce warrior people group. They set out to re-create some of the artifacts that could have been found in a typical Aztec village in Meso-America. They demonstrated great creativity as they showed what daily life was like for the Aztec people.

We experimented with the iMovie program to show you all of our scholars and their artifacts. We hope that you enjoy it!

Monday, March 7, 2011


Here is some footage taken by Miss Liebe of Grade 6 making pinatas in Spanish class.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Self Esteem and Body Image

Grade 6 are currently looking at a Health unit focusing on Self- Esteem and Body Image.

Our unit question is : WHAT IMAGE REALLY MATTERS?

We have been reviewing examples of photo-shopping to try to understand the media's influence on us and to learn to be wise consumers of what we see around us in the media.

Dove (yes, the brand) has been running  something called "The Campaign for Real Beauty" throughout the UK and USA.
Here is a video they have made called "Evolution"(click here). It shows how a normal woman can be made into what we can sometimes think is 'perfection' through the use of digital technology.

No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Language A page- updated pictures

Updated pictures 3/1/2011
Please look at the updated pictures on the Language A page of our newest poets in action.