Sunday, December 19, 2010

Service Week at TCIS

The theme for this last week at school was "The Incarnation".
Students were involved in Global service issues, Local Service issues and School service.

The students also had the opportunity to 'blow off some steam' and have some fun with each other.
Team challenge activity

Bean bag relay fun
Bean Bag relay

Let it snow

Friday, December 10, 2010

Student of the Month for November

Congratulations to Susie Kim for being the Student of the Month for Grade 6 for November.

Here are the reasons or explanation for Susie's win...
Susie is a strong student in all classes; she works hard on every task given to her and always displays a positive attitude.
She collaborates well with everyone in her class. She participates with enthusiasm.
She has improved her organization skills greatly since the beginning of the year.

In the swim team she comes to practice everyday and puts forth her best effort. When she is tired, she just keeps going. She truly grasps the idea that improvement is the most important thing. She has shown she is a true risk-taker by trying something new.

Also nominated this month was Rakia Segev.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pulleys and Machines in Science

Mrs Gobius has been working with her scientists on Pulleys and Machines.
Have you looked at the updated science page with new pictures?

Have a look at this video of Jason pulling 4 people with his pulley system.

In the next video, Grade 6 are explaining their 'Machines' to Mrs Gobius.
Grade 6 are great scientific communicators!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Coffee House comes to MS during Service Week

Students will have the opportunity to perform some Christmas songs during coffee house in the last week of school before break.

Coffee House is traditionally a HS event, but this year our MS STUCO thought we could get in on the fun and raise some money too.

Students if you have ideas for songs.... please email them to Mr Blanck.

Friday, December 3, 2010

12/3/2010...New page added for Humanities and Math Update!

Check out the new Humanities page for information about the Pharaoh's.

Math has updated it's page with an amazing Skype Math competition.
...."read all about it..."