Sunday, December 19, 2010

Service Week at TCIS

The theme for this last week at school was "The Incarnation".
Students were involved in Global service issues, Local Service issues and School service.

The students also had the opportunity to 'blow off some steam' and have some fun with each other.
Team challenge activity

Bean bag relay fun
Bean Bag relay

Let it snow

Friday, December 10, 2010

Student of the Month for November

Congratulations to Susie Kim for being the Student of the Month for Grade 6 for November.

Here are the reasons or explanation for Susie's win...
Susie is a strong student in all classes; she works hard on every task given to her and always displays a positive attitude.
She collaborates well with everyone in her class. She participates with enthusiasm.
She has improved her organization skills greatly since the beginning of the year.

In the swim team she comes to practice everyday and puts forth her best effort. When she is tired, she just keeps going. She truly grasps the idea that improvement is the most important thing. She has shown she is a true risk-taker by trying something new.

Also nominated this month was Rakia Segev.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pulleys and Machines in Science

Mrs Gobius has been working with her scientists on Pulleys and Machines.
Have you looked at the updated science page with new pictures?

Have a look at this video of Jason pulling 4 people with his pulley system.

In the next video, Grade 6 are explaining their 'Machines' to Mrs Gobius.
Grade 6 are great scientific communicators!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Coffee House comes to MS during Service Week

Students will have the opportunity to perform some Christmas songs during coffee house in the last week of school before break.

Coffee House is traditionally a HS event, but this year our MS STUCO thought we could get in on the fun and raise some money too.

Students if you have ideas for songs.... please email them to Mr Blanck.

Friday, December 3, 2010

12/3/2010...New page added for Humanities and Math Update!

Check out the new Humanities page for information about the Pharaoh's.

Math has updated it's page with an amazing Skype Math competition.
...."read all about it..."

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dr. Josephine Kim visits TCIS Middle School

Today we had the privilege of hearing and speaking with Dr. Josephine Kim who  is a "Lecturer on Education in the Risk and Prevention program at the Harvard Graduate School of Education." (from her biography)
As I listened to her speaking about her childhood and teen Korean and American experiences, I could relate to many of the things she spoke about in regards to Identity.
As a child I grew up in a small country community and did my Elementary schooling with only 15 other students in the school. So when I left to go to a boarding school (dorm) in the city at the age of 11, I experienced a culture shock similar to that of living in another country.
That was the great thing about the way Dr. Kim spoke today, she related her experiences to that of many people in many different situations.
Our students who are 'Third Culture Kids' (TCK) sometimes have a feeling that they don't fit in- I certainly felt like this as an 11 and 12 year old in the city and many of us have experienced this.
Dr Kim did a great job of explaining the benefits of having more than one cultural identity and empathized with our students through her own experiences as a student in an International School in Korea.
Her belief and faith in God was evident through her talk with our students. She modeled for them what it is to be a TCK with strong convictions, balance and a varied cultural identity.
Dr. Kim is proud to be Korean and American and many students commented that it was nice not to have to choose just one cultural identity but to accept both as part of who they are. 
At the end of her presentation Dr. Kim took the time to meet and talk with many of our students who could relate to what she was saying- Korean, American, Canadian, African, Australian kids. They all expressed thanks to her for talking about what they often feel- this misplaced feeling of not belonging.
Dr. Kim certainly made a lasting impression on our MS students today!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Quarter 2 Progress Edline Posting

Parents and students,
please check Edline for an updated posting on achievement levels from all of your teachers.
Edline was updated on Friday afternoon.

Please contact teachers if they have not yet posted a Q2 progress report on Edline.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Updates today... Language A- English, Visual Arts and PE

Language A now has it's very own page and posting.
Please click on the tab to view their page.

Visual Arts went on a field trip yesterday.
Please have a look at "The Arts" page for pictures and information.

PE students in F Block completed their gymnastics routines today with a very special audience.
Check out the PE page for details!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

L Block Gymnastics

Here Irene, Sophia, Chris, Jason, Elizabeth, Daniel and Sabrina are showing 3 static balances.

They had to look at pictures of many statics, analyze each one and recreate the same static with their own body. It's a bit like a gymnastics version of the 'spot the difference' pictures we used to do as small children.

From feedback during practice time, they then chose their 3 favourites to put together into sequence.

The aim was to hold each balance for 3 seconds and to smoothly transition from one static to the next.

They had to use their bodies to create quality, controlled statics.

I hope they each watch themselves, as this is valuable feedback on their movements.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

More from PE class: Gymnastics

Today students in F block were working on a "bank" of static balances. While the balances were relatively simple, they all required strength and control and are the building blocks of more complex movements.
After practicing the balances, the students then picked their 3 favourites and put them together.
This is the video of some of the students showing their statics. You can see how they hold their balances and are focusing on the quality and care of their movements. BRAVO!

During D block today, students were working on putting together a mini routine using a "Start position, Locomotion, Static, Rotation and Finish Position". The students could use any of the movements that we have learned previously in their routine today.
They needed to show a variety of levels in their mini routine and their movements needed to flow together.
This formative work is essential for students to practice, so they can begin to piece together movements in preparation for their summative task- which will be to create a gymnastics routine. Students will get several opportunities to create formative movements.
Working together with a partner; negotiating, contributing ideas, compromising and making decisions together, are all essential skills for their academic and physical development.
Here Sophia and Elizabeth are showing their mini routine from 15 minutes of practice.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Grade 6 Student of the Month for October.

Congratulations to Nicholas Choi, who won the Grade 6 Student of the Month for October.

This is what teachers said about Nick...

He is open-minded and a risk-taker. He is brave in the way he tries new activities, even when he is unsure whether he will be successful or not.
He continues to be a servant to others and always displays a willing attitude of learning.
He perseveres even when tasks are challenging and NEVER complains.
He interacts with students of all grade levels and is a positive influence in and outside the classroom. He is respectful of his peers at all times.
He is also friendly and smiles at people and gives that warm touch that makes TCIS a good place to be.

  Congratulations also to Sophia Kim for being nominated this month as well.

Locomotion in Gymnastics (PE)

Students have been learning about how to use their bodies to balance, rotate and move in different ways. On Friday L Block overcame their doubts and were able to show strength to 'Possum Carry' a partner.
It was hard work and the students showed great perseverance to achieve this tricky Locomotion.
Well done to Daniel and Jason, Irene and Sophia.

Daniel, Chris and Jason also showed a rotation (group shoulder roll) and group counter balance together. They had a little trouble with the counter balance, but they tried again and showed they could do it- not so easy with 3 members. Well done boys!

Friday, November 5, 2010


Over the last couple of months at TCIS we have had several students break bones in seemingly simple and non contact situations.
It is baffling many of us who have worked with children for a long time and personally I have not seen so many broken bones in my whole teaching career of 18 years.
So it begs the question- WHY?

Is it diet related?
Are students getting enough calcium in their diets?
While dairy is a good source of calcium, the body uses little of this calcium. Green leafy vegetables are a more usable source of calcium for our bodies. (We also need Vitamin D to help convert calcium into a usable form. Vitamin D is in sunlight, so playing outside is indeed necessary for growing bodies in so many ways)
Are students drinking too much caffeine? Caffeine leaches calcium from our body, raises our heart rate abnormally and raises our blood pressure.  Yes, caffeine is an addictive drug which alters your body chemistry. Ok in small amounts for adult bodies, a real no no drug for growing bodies.
Ask your child what sort of drinks they buy from the shops? Are they regularly drinking caffeinated drinks? Do they think they need the caffeine to 'stay alert' or 'stay awake' in class?

There are no claims of answers or authority here; however, there are some interesting questions raised about how what we eat and do (activity) affects our body.

Inertia in Science


Students got to play with little wooden cars in science... and yes there was a lot of learning going on.

Mrs Gobius took video's of the students discussing how inertia affects the 'passengers' in their wooden cart - it is a bit difficult to hear, but Daniel and Haley give a great explanation of why we feel like we are left behind when a car or bus starts off too quickly.

Mrs Gobius also directed an inquiry into 'Brooms'- see this post under the "science" tab at the top of the page.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mandarin- speaking video.

Enjoy this video posted by the Mandarin teacher Mr Yuan, capturing basic Mandarin introductions.

Bobbing for apples

On Friday during Homeroom time, STUCO ran a bobbing for apples competition.
The students had a lot of fun and some surprised themselves.

Hyunsol Kim
Kallee Miller

Friday, October 29, 2010


Welcome Grade 6 students and parents!

We hope to share many interesting pieces of information, pictures, videos and stories with you about our journey at TCIS.
Please feel free to contact me at any time for information about school life at TCIS

Happy reading!
The beautiful weather reminded me of SEW.
Here are a couple of pictures to remember those 3 days of fun.